Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A must see!

Ok, I know I've been negligent in my blog updates, but I've had a good excuse which I won't belabor here. But now I'm back in the swing of things and just had to make you aware of this movie thats out called Food Inc. Here's the link to the trailer.

I have gotten certified as a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant by the American Fitness Professionals Association and am now studying for the American Association of Nutrition Consultants certification which is much more involved. But what I'm learning is just exactly what is in this movie. Our soils are so depleted that if you eat your veggies like you are supposed to you may still not be getting all the nutrients you need. Further, if you are like most Americans and are eating processed foods, you are getting even less nutrient than if you eat your veggies. Folks, this is exactly why cancer rates are sky high and why so many degenerative diseases are cropping up across America!!

Use your good sense and your pocketbook to vote for an alternative - organic products!! You only get one body to live in, period! There is no do-over! Once the symptoms of degenerative disease show up is too late to start thinking about it. It takes each individual coming to realize this for his/herself, and I completely understand the "lack of time" and "organic costs more", but we must overcome those issues to be healthy. There's just no two ways about it.

I hope you'll check out the movie. I know I'll be there!