Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cultivating Gratitude - A Source for Inspiration

This morning I got an email from Yoga Thailand, the place I went last summer for a week of yoga on the island of Ko Samui. They have recently opened an new retreat center so I was browsing around their website to check it out. While I was there last summer, we got a preview of the new place while it was being built and it's pretty swanky! The photos on the website are very impressive and make me want to go back.

While I was browsing around, I ran across this article from one of the founders of Yoga Thailand, Paul Dallaghan, entitled "Gratitute is Key", and it reminded me of a guided imagery exercise I did a few years ago that focused on gratitude and had a profound impact on my thinking. Here is just a taste of what he writes. I'd highly recommend reading the whole thing.

"Do we see the thorns or the flowers? Is the glass half empty or half full? How we look at everything in life is indicative of what is going on in our system, energetically speaking. Try to observe your response and actions to all situations in your life. How negative or not are they? You can cultivate positivity right at the start of your day. The beginning of any activity is crucial and thus this day even more so. Genuinely feel it, make time for it, sit and offer thanks. Already energetically the positive current starts to flow and affects the rest of your day."

"If we have really acknowledged all we have and feel genuine appreciation we are directly in a position to feel the plight of others. In other words compassion will more naturally flow from us. To put yourself in another's shoes, to do unto others as you would want done to yourself is a key principle of life and inherent in all yoga. From a real place of gratitude your heart is opening to feel others, offer love to others and to help others. What more is there to life?"

Want to feel blessed? Cultivate gratitude. Want to relieve depression? Cultivate gratitude. Feeling sorry for yourself? Cultivate gratitude. Next time you find yourself in one of life's challenging situations, think of all of the things you are thankful for. You'll notice a difference in how you handle the situation.

Thank you!

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